The Cub Pack is the second section of 1st Bennetts End Scouts. Cubs are young people aged 8-10½.
There are many opportunities to get stuck in with all the fun. In the warmer months, outside the area outside the hut is perfect for our needs, but we’re also often found at the nearby Phasels Wood scout activity centre.
Cubs are out and about learning new skills like camping, camp cooking and fire lighting. Every year we have a wide range of activities and opportunities including archery, hiking, swimming and fundraising events.
We run several camps a year which can involve two nights away. There are lots of badges to be gained which adds to the excitement of completing the requirements, earning self belief, confidence and being proud when they complete them.
Even if we are indoors, we still have fun, play lots of games and do lots of work towards badges.
The Cub Pack at 1st Bennetts End meets on a Friday from 6pm until 7.30pm.